Step by Step PDF + ALL Softwares

$899.00 $49.00

ALL Software's + BONUS Step by Step Walkthrough

  • X2 2021: ($100-$150)

    • Tool for reading and writing magnetic stripe data.

  • PyApdu: ($100-$150)

    • Python tool for sending APDU commands to the card.

  • PyresMan: ($100-$150)

    • Pyresman tool is for managing and writing data to card.

  • ATR God: ($100-$150)

    • Used for analyzing Card ATR data.

  • JCOP English: ($100-$150)

    • Opens functionalities and commands in the card.

  • BONUS: Step by Step Guide (Priceless) One of kind.
    •  you wont find any other guide like this on the internet they dont exist. 

The total cost for all necessary software is over $900 if you can even find them for sell without getting ripped off haha.